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  • carusoi17699

The Uproar Over an Article a Man Wrote About "How to Talk to a Woman Who is Wearing Headphones"

Updated: Mar 12, 2019

It is 2019, and in America, pretty much everyone is aware of the non-verbal cues when it comes to technology... everyone except for Dan Bacon. Bacon is a self-described "dating and relationship expert," who writes for The Modern Man and quite recently posted a blog about "How to Talk to a Woman Who is Wearing Headphones." As much as men needs tips when trying to show their interest in a random woman, this article not only gives men bad advice, but also does it in a way that makes many people feel uncomfortable and/or upset.

I could not believe how a simple article could make such a big fuss, so I went to check it out. When I read "What to Do to Get Her Attention," I originally thought it was okay, but then began to feel slightly uncomfortable as I continued to read the steps. Keep in mind, I was only reading them, and not experiencing them.

BuzzFeed News reviewed this article and posted people's reaction to Bacon's blog post. Bacon's blog became quite popular to make fun of and point out the obvious issues within the message.

Many people were unhappy and found his blog absurd so they decided to voice their opinions about how Bacon missed many obvious non-verbal signs and advised men to persistently harass women until you get some sort of reaction out of them.

I agree with many of the people who voiced their opinions about this blog. When somebody has headphones in and is by themselves, it is generally rude to start talking to them, especially when you don't know them. I have been guilty many times of wearing headphones and not playing any music just because I do not want to talk to people.

Are there exceptions to the "do not talk to somebody when they have headphones on" rule? Yes, but only if there is an emergency or something very important. My advice to men, is to leave the woman alone when they are wearing headphones otherwise, she will take it the wrong way.


BuzzFeed News:

The Original Article (edited since the post went viral)

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