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  • carusoi17699

Steven Crowder Bring Awareness About Important Topics Today

Steven Crowder is an American/Canadian Commentator who goes around college campuses, sits a table down with a poster taped to it that says "Change My Mind." His camera crew record everything. Students are allowed to come up and just talk to him for free and just have a simple conversation. This man is highly educated and has many strong opinions.

Some people think he is a scum bag, or strongly dislike him for the way he goes about having conversations with students. But I think he is amazing. As much as I may not agree with everything he says, I appreciate he is open to hearing other people and is able to educate millions with each video.

Hearing both sides of a story is very helpful for trying to figure out what my stance in of relevant topics. These topics can range from phone and technology facts/issues to racial and sexist topics. Most people are unwilling to talk about these sort of topics, so it is nice to hear people talk, and almost debate about them.

Even though what Steven Crowder says 95% of the time differs from the college student's opinions, he is still giving them an opportunity to say what they think and voice their opinions to millions. This is 100% an act of Freedom of Speech.

Again, many people hate him, many people wish they could be him, and many respect him for doing this. He does so many other things, but the Louder With Crowder channel on Youtube definitely has a lot of attention. I suggest you check out his channel and view a "Student Edition | Change My Mind" Episode. (The link is below.)


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