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Blog: Blog2
  • carusoi17699

The Spiral of Silence

In my Media Law & Literacy class, we were assigned group presentations on different theories regarding communication. My specific theory was the Spiral of Silence. I would define this as: people fear separation and isolation if their view or opinion goes against the dominant public view, causing them to stay silent and keep everything to themselves.

Below are the slides I created for the presentation. They act as a visual aid for summarizing the Spiral of Silence. As seen below, there are four main steps in creating the Spiral of Silence (Underlined to the right of the first slide.)

The most popular view or opinion is at the top or the wide part of the spiral. As the view becomes more and more different, the spiral becomes smaller. The same goes for the amount fo people who have certain views. The most amount of people with the same view are at the top, and as you go down the spiral, there are less people who have the same view as each other.

This theory has proven to be true by multiple different experiments. Although, throughout the years, the Spiral of Silence has seemed to change quite a bit to a regular spiral to a hour glass shaped spiral. The way communication has been changing over the last decade has altered this theory to create an inverse within itself. I created a diagram above to represent this change.


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