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Blog: Blog2
  • carusoi17699

News Deserts Are A Thing!?

News Deserts are communities that no longer have daily newspapers or physical ones for that matter. In a 10 year span, hundreds upon hundreds of news papers were closed across the United States of America from 2000-2010. When I found out about this, I immediately became concerned. USA is known for our Freedom of Speech, and as an American, I want to have access to know what is going around in my local areas.

Where I am from, it would be dangerous not to have them, so I had a very hard time thinking about not having a local news paper. When I found out that “About 70 percent of the newspapers that have died since 2004 were in suburban areas of metropolitan areas that historically offered many news choices, the researchers say, but counties with no coverage at all tend to be rural," my mouth dropped both in shock and in disappointment (Quote from class presentation.)

The "desert" areas are so big and there is so much land News Deserts cover, it is crazy.

“At Ohio University, professor Michelle Ferrier, director of the Media Deserts Project and a pioneer in studying fading newspapers and online efforts to replace their journalism, went beyond research and announced the launch of as communications hubs to serve 20 rural communities in southeast Ohio.”

This quote and small piece of information means so much to me considering I come from Ohio. It does sadden me that I did not know about this earlier. I would was to try and make a difference before when I was back in high school ( and in the state everyday.)

At least Facebook is investing over $300 million across a span of just 3 years to help America cover local news. Keep a look out for what Facebook does with their word. I also suggest starting a local news committee or newspaper if you do not have one in your area... it could help improve so many lives around you, and even yourself.

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