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  • carusoi17699

The Importance of the 8 Values of Free Expression & Which Resonates With Me the Most

Updated: May 8, 2019

Discovery of Truth, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent are the eight Values of Free Expression.

To dive into what the eight values are of Free Expression, one must know exactly what Free Expression means. According to ACLU News, the First Amendment guarantees our "right to free expression and free association, which means that the government does not have the right to forbid us from saying what we like and writing what we like; we can form clubs and organizations, and take part in demonstrations and rallies."

Free Expression resonates with me the most because if I do not have this, I would feel worse than if any other of the 8 were taken away. When I was a child, I felt like I had a capstone on this freedom because of the living situation I was in. Now that I am in college, my value for this freedom has gone up significantly.

If this was taken away from me, I would feel like I was in a cardboard box. Expressing myself is something I find necessary. I will not open up a large situation and just say, I am a communication major for a reason.

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