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  • carusoi17699

Snapchat's Progression of Privacy Turns Into Showing Your "Friends" Where You Are 24/7

Updated: May 8, 2019

Snapchat is a fun and popular app that lets you communicate with your friends in fun and silly ways while also keeping all your conversations private. Snapchat is knows for its fun filters and documenting whatever you want in your day-to-day life. A few years ago snapchat not only became pictures and fun, but also allowed people to now use it as a texting app that will delete each text once the receiver opens and views the text. This feature became favored amongst almost all users.

According to Business Insider, "Ultimately, Snapchat offers things iMessage and texting can't — including a real-time video option — and as a result, has become the new way of communicating for teens who want more."

Besides continuously updating the filters, Snapchat updates the app in general. After the texting, it added news sites and daily updates. Then it added the newest controversial thing: Snap Maps.

The original purpose of Snapchat was to allow the users to communicate with each other while maintaining privacy. Now, conversations still can remain private and delete as each text is read, but your location is now never private. Snap Maps constantly shows where your location is and any of your friends, and sometimes people in the general area, can see exactly where you are any place you are in the world.

On campus, a current privacy problem has occurred within sororities. Sisters have been put on trial by their sisterhood for being seen on the Snapmap somewhere else than where the sisterhood thought the sisters should be. The sisters on trial were simply on a spontaneous vacation in Florida, but because they did not report ahead of time where they were going on break, they could possibly be kicked out of the sorority for not reporting this information ahead of time. These girls, just wanted to relax and have fun on their break, but due to Snapmap, the sisterhood found out and invaded their privacy and is now putting the entire situation on trial. Not everyone should have to know where one is at.

Snapmap can also be used for good, bad, can cause confusion, and so much more.

As wonderful as Snapchat can be, it can be just as dangerous. Keeping everything you do private does not matter if everyone knows where your location is... especially if the wrong person knew where you are at and acted on it. An example of this is when two young teens were murdered because their murderer knew where they were located. (

Please click on this link to view the news report on Snapmap. It truly sums it up:

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