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Blog: Blog2
  • carusoi17699

If You Must Know About My Online Presence...

I honestly have no idea what is out there about me, and I honestly don't want to know. I try to keep everything minimal as I can now... I just don't have a need for social media as I use to. I also feel like by explicitly stating what I know is out there about me, I am allowing wix to give more of that information out there to other places who may not have my information. This website and blog is the most purposeful thing I have put other there on the internet about me or have purposefully connected to me in a very, very long time. Everything I do I try to have private like work I have done for my Media Fellows classes.

Again, the only reason this website exists and has more stuff about me on the internet is because of this class, otherwise I would have never made this wix account. I understand it can be useful to put on a resume or a profile somewhere, but I would rather just let things be. This may seem foolish, but everyone has their perspectives and ideas.

For example, by writing my opinions about different articles, I am sharing to the public the way I think and how I look at things. I am sharing some of my concerns and thoughts... which I believe is worse than just simply putting information about me on the internet. Information is information. But the way one thinks is so complex and so unique to each individual, that if someone were to sort of pick up on this for me... it would be as if they just de-coded my CPU, or computer processing unit.

I also understand that explaining this is "outing" myself a little bit, but at the same time, this blog is for a grade in my class. I just have to roll the dice and hope that nobody cares enough to try and figure that out the way I think and how I look at things. In the grand scheme of things making this website and blogs and everything is worth it though if it means an A in this class, allows my GPA to be higher at graduation, and helps me get a better job for the future than if I did not do these assignments at all.

All this being said, I am politely declining writing about what private information I may have already put out there on the internet, my tesuniqes of how I work with my digital footprint, and the different sites I use (which would actually end up linking this wix website/blog to all the other things I do.)

I hope this honesty within this post can be respected.


Like I've said, everyone has their own opinion about their own online presence and value how important it is/how much they want to share or don't share. Below is a link to the article: "5 Reasons to Care About Your Online Presence, and 3 to Forget About It"

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